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Welcome to my Portfolio. Here is a selective account of my personal best creations. Feel free to check out my galleries in the drop down menu to find all of my creations.

Slit Throat V.1

This is one of my earlier creations. As this was quite early on in my makeup career, I was limited with my materials, but still feel that this piece was successful. I have received positive feedback. 


USED: Latex, Toilet Paper, Fake Blood.

Half-Burnt Face V.1

This was another of my earlier pieces. 


It was really fun to create, but also challenging due to the fact that I only had one eye to work with. 


If I were to do this again I would probably use homemade wax rather than Snazaroo, just as a personal opinion. But overall I was pleased with how this turned out, with it being the first full-face piece I ever did.


USED: Snazaroo Wax, Red Face Paint, Fake Blood, Staple.

Pencil Through The Nose

This is my favourite creation I have made so far.


It was also the quickest to make. 


I like this one the most because I looked into adding more detail than my previous creations. 


This creation earned me some really good responses. This is why I use it as my profile photo on Facebook and Instagram!


USED: Broken Pencil, Bruise Wheel, SFX Blood, Latex.

Finger/Hand Accident

This is one of my favourite non-facial creations. It earned me some great responses on my social media pages. 


It was quite simple to create, and turned out a lot better than I originally envisioned. 


The only problem I had was the fake blood drying extremely quickly, meaning it looked tacky in some photos. However, I now know how to fix this for future versions and other creations.


USED: SFX Blood, Homemade Wax, Kitchen Roll, Black and Red Face Paint.


This was my first teeth sfx. 


I used polymorph plastic to make the fangs, and fixed them into my gums with rolled up tissue and spirit gum. 


It came out better than expected, however due to the fangs being made of plastic, the fake blood didn't hold to them and just ran off. 


Next time, I will try using my homemade blood as it is made with glucose syrup which is extremely sticky. 


USED: SFX Blood, Polymorph Plastic, Tissue Paper, Spirit Gum. 


This was originally created for my creative headshot. 


I like the idea of having a half-face to show off my two types of makeup skills. And who doesn't love a zombie?


I struggled with the neck, due to every time I moved my head, the skin of my neck would move too which resulted in a colour difference between my neck and my face. 


USED: Snazaroo Face Paint (Red, White, Black, and Grey), Eyeliner, Eyelure Fake Eyelashes. 

'Help' Mouth

This was a spontaneous piece. 


It started as me just wanting to do a piece that covered the mouth completely. Then I came up with the 'help' idea and it went from there. 


I am pleased with how this turned out. It was a fun piece that got a lot of interest and positive feedback. 


USED: Homemade SFX Wax, Snazaroo Face Paint (Red and Black), SFX Blood, Petroleum Jelly. 

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